Rik Ferguson

Rik Ferguson

The computer virus. Three words that strike fear into the hearts of office desk jockeys and web surfing couch potatoes alike.

Once you have caught one, life is never quite the same. From then on, as soon as your computer freezes for a mere nanosecond you will break into a cold sweat.

Unsolicited emails are ditched even faster than New Year’s resolutions and you live in constant dread that yet another PC parasite has wormed its way into your machine.

However, despite all the inconvenience that comes with an infected computer shows that 78% of people think having a wallet stolen is worse than having a PC Virus.

So are these people misguided? Rik Ferguson is from network antivirus and internet content security firm Trend Micro who conducted the research, and he thinks they are:

“Having a wallet stolen is a one time event, and once you aware it’s happened you can do something about it….whereas if you have a pc virus it’s a problem that is going to be ongoing.”

What then can you do to stop your computer contracting a virus? This video gives some helpful tips, and also wades into the wallet v computer virus debate.