Karl fails to get to the office in time to remove the incriminating evidence that has been planted. He is arrested, but a guilt-ridden Julia finds the courage to confess the truth, implicating herself and Christian as the real culprits. Riley is reunited with his family but things turn sour when Steve learns Riley has no intention of returning to his veterinary studies. Riley seeks refuge at Charlie’s where he finally confesses his new career prospect to Steve – journalism. But is that all Riley has been keeping from his parents? Kirsten returns to Ramsay Street to claim Mickey, but soon realises she might have to fight Ned for him. Kirsten seeks legal advice from unwitting Toadie - and Toadie regrets his words when he realises who Kirsten is. But it is too late – Kirsten sets a plan in motion to kidnap Mickey. Thrown by Lucia’s assessment of their rapport, Oliver privately wonders Carmella still holds a candle for him. Carmella adamantly dismisses any prospect of love, but Oliver is left privately uneasy – and unconvinced.Riley’s panel van provides an unlikely source of privacy for Ned and Janae, blissfully unaware of the heartache Kirsten is about to unleash.

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