Melinda Messenger says she's "slimmer than she's ever been" thanks to her plant-based diet.

Melinda Messenger

Melinda Messenger

The former glamour model maybe pushing 50 but she feels "fine in a bikini" and credits her slender physique to her vegetarian diet which excludes saturated fats and includes foods full of healthy fats such as nuts and avocado.

In an interview with Closer magazine, she said: "I'm slimmer than I've ever been. I'm 48 and I feel fine in a bikini. I've accepted my body and its imperfections. I suspect my size is linked to my plant based diet. The fats I eat are good fats, like olive oil, nuts and avocado. And since cutting out eggs I probably eat less sugary food such as cake. "

The mother-of-three went on to explain that she considers herself a "transitional vegan" meaning she avoids eating dairy and eggs when she can, but isn't totally strict, admitting she occasionally snacks on cheese if a vegan alternative isn't available.

She said: "When I had chickens I felt wrong scrambling their eggs. I couldn't drink cow's milk either; it's an animal's breast milk. The way cows and chickens are kept puts me off too.

I'm not totally strict, I still have cheese sometimes. But when I can I take the vegan option - I call myself a transitional vegan.

"It's encouraged me to make more nutritious, balanced choices, and I'm eating less processed food. It feels healthier. "

A typical day of eating for TV star Melinda begins with muesli with dairy free milk, vegan macaroni cheese for lunch followed by a tofu stir-fry for dinner with cashew nuts and fruit as snacks throughout the day.

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