Childbirth, menopause or lack of exercise can weaken the pelvic muscles

Childbirth, menopause or lack of exercise can weaken the pelvic muscles

There are millions women in the UK whose lives are blighted because they have a pelvic floor weakened by childbirth, the menopause or a life-long lack of effective exercise.
Over four million women suffer from the embarrassment of stress incontinence, mostly as a result of childbirth. Millions more suffer prolapse. Countless millions suffer a lacklustre sex life because they just cannot achieve intimate contact once they have been stretched childbirth.
As one woman obstetrician remarked graphically to the Sunday Times: "You do see a lot of British women with vaginas you could drive a bus up. I think a lot of them just accept that forgoing sexual pleasure is the price they have to pay for having children."

So, just what exactly should women be doing to help correct this - because it can be changed, with just small daily exercises.

The PelvicToner is a registered medical device that is clinically proven to help tone and strengthen the pelvic floor by making pelvic floor muscles exercises more effective.
It is the only pelvic toning device available on GP prescription.
Millions of women will benefit from frank, honest discussion of the facts, and especially the 700,000 women who give birth each year. A third of them will experience stress incontinence and sexual problems as a direct and immediate consequence of childbirth because the UK does not have a realistic and appropriate approach to post-childbirth pelvic floor restoration.
Using the PelvicToner to exercise effectively has two immediate benefits:
1. In 80 per cent of cases, stress incontinence can be cured with effective pelvic floor muscle training within a couple of weeks.
2. A strong pelvic floor is essential to improve intimate contact during sex and to achieve orgasm
The PelvicToner achieves both these benefits simply and cheaply by helping women identify and isolate their pelvic floor muscle and then providing the resistance for an effective exercise routine.
Just using it for five minutes a day can bring amazing benefits.

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