When you see or eat cranberries in a dream, it's generally a sign of good health and a long and happy life.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

Cranberries can also represent warmth and togetherness which you might be craving right now, given the time of year.

Alternatively, you may be feeling content at present because you have just enough of this in your waking life. Perhaps you are a particularly warm person towards others and you have felt some of that back of late.

If you were drinking cranberry juice in your dream, it's possible you have too much stress in your waking life and need to dial things back to help you to manage your stress levels better.

Cranberry juice might be an indicator of poor health too. Perhaps you need to rid your body of some toxin that you're in the habit of feeding it. On the other hand, the dream could be telling you to let go of a thought or feeling that's doing you no good. You need to flush the negativity and the bad out of yourself before you can carry on as normal. 

If you were picking cranberries in your dream- perhaps you recognise the effort you need to put into something before you are rewarded for all your hard work. You know that there are more choices available to you if you do; consequently- you are a hard worker. If this isn't apparent to you- it might be time to put more energy into your means of income to gain a sense of pride in what you do. 

If the berries were spoiled then maybe you recognise that you've missed an opportunity in the recent past. With that said, another one might come along- so don't lose faith. 

Source: www.dreammoods.com


The Complete A-Z Dictionary of Dreams by Ian Wallace

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