If you dream about a flag, it’s possible you feel you belong to a greater whole. You identify with a larger group of people who share your values and goals and it feels good.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

It could mean that you are loyal to those around you and are proud for what you all stand for.

On the other hand, it’s possible you don’t identify with anyone right now on a small or large scale and this is something you yearn for to feel understood and supported.  

If the flag was your national flag, this could bring about feelings of the duty you feel towards your country or to something or someone in your waking hours if you look closer to home.

If you were waving a flag, then you may feel in distress right now. Perhaps you were warning yourself about something to avoid prolonging this distress any further.  

A white flag means you are surrendering to something or someone- you are giving up because your hope has faded away. Your attempts to challenge them or it haven’t worked, despite your best efforts. It could be that you are uncertain about what you are up against, unwilling to make the sacrifices needed to get there or confused about what to do next. Perhaps by giving in you think you will avoid any of the potential negatives.

It might be worth thinking about the long term rather than focusing on the immediate future to put things into perspective.  

A red flag is a warning that danger is on the horizon or that you are already in a risky situation- perhaps you need to find your way out of it or stop whatever it is before it gets any worse.

A flag at half-mast means you are mourning for something- this could well be someone or something from your past that you can’t let go of.




MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

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