To dream about garbage suggests that you have ideas that are unwanted by others or even by yourself.

We find out what it means to dream about garbage

We find out what it means to dream about garbage

Perhaps you are plagued with negative thoughts and memories that you have been trying to cleanse yourself of. If you haven’t tried already perhaps the dream is telling you to relieve yourself of this excess baggage or at least explore a way to.

On the other hand, you may be rejecting a concept or emotion you feel is bad for you.

If you were throwing things into the garbage you may be actively trying to rid your life of bad habits or attempting to get rid of characteristics or traits you no longer deem appropriate or necessary.

Alternatively, it’s possible you aren’t taking responsibility for something or someone and are trying to leave it or them behind.

If you found something of value in the garbage- perhaps you are the type of person who finds value in things that others don’t. Or maybe you should if you are always looking for the big milestones and gestures rather than the small and significant achievements and moments in life.

Piles of rubbish in a dream could be an aspect of yourself that you have already rejected. But ask yourself this- why is it still hanging around? Have you truly let go?

Pay close attention to what was in the piles as this will give you greater insight into what it is that you have discarded.

The dream could be telling you to see things from a different perspective if you only tend to look at situations from one point of view.

If you dreamed of driving a garbage truck, then you might be carrying around too much negativity with you and need to offload this somewhere. Dragging it around with you is serving you no purpose. Think of how good it will feel to let it all go.


MORE: What does it mean to dream about fudge?

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