If you were a prisoner in your dream, it’s possible some situation or relationship is making you feel restricted in your waking hours.

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Image courtesy of Pixabay

It could be a warning to you to change up your routines as the ones you have in place are making you feel restrained. Do you need to make a major change in your life to feel a sense of liberation? It might be hard to contemplate but it could be your key to happiness.

Perhaps you suddenly feel some loss of freedom in your job or your personal life. Do you need to change jobs? Leave a relationship? Or alter your way of thinking?

Consider your behaviours too- perhaps you fall into the same patterns of behaviour that make you feel enslaved. Delve deep and consider what you are repressing as this could be the very thing that is holding you back.

On the other hand, you may be plagued by feelings of guilt, embarrassment or shame over something you’ve done. The dream could be telling you to stop punishing yourself- it has been and gone and there is no point in going over it again and again.

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

If you were being attacked by prisoners in your dream, you may have been avoiding a situation. Perhaps you have locked something away in your mind, but it has reached a point where it can’t be ignored anymore. You must confront it- the time to deal with it is now.

If you saw someone else as a prisoner in your dream- it’s possible you no longer trust this person if they have wronged you in your waking hours.

Another interpretation is that you have an element of your personality that you feel you are unable to set free. Who are you hiding it from? What do you fear most if you were to let it out? If it is an integral part of who you are perhaps you need to be yourself for once.

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about a shed? 

Do you believe you have what it takes to overcome this obstacle either physically or mentally? If so, perhaps the dream is telling you to get started. If not- maybe you need to recruit some help from a professional or a trusted friend to deal with whatever problem it is you are facing. Consider who was with you in the dream as this might be the very person who can assist you in escaping your dilemma or undoing what has gone wrong for you. The dream could be a pun for shedding light on a situation in your life. Perhaps you are able to see something more clearly now that you struggled to make sense of before...

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