When you dream of a celebrity, the person is generally irrelevant- it's more about the things about them you place value on.

We find out what it means to dream about a celebrity

We find out what it means to dream about a celebrity

If you dreamed about a celebrity couple- perhaps you admire them as a couple and the things they’ve achieved together.

If you dreamed about an individual celebrity- you might admire their job, their looks, what you can glean about their personality in interviews or the work they do outside of their career- such as for charity.

Try and explore what it is that draws you to them. You might aspire to achieve something they have.

Celebrities can also signify a personal need for recognition- maybe you crave recognition in your work and want your efforts to be celebrated in your particular field of expertise.

Has the celebrity been in the media a lot lately? Or have you been thinking about them? Reading about them? It's possible that this interest or awareness of them has filtered through into your dreams because they have been on your mind.

Another interpretation is that the celebrity represents someone in your waking life. Someone who is successful, beautiful, accomplished, popular- this person has many similarities to celebrities in your eyes.

If you feel inadequate around them or indeed most other people, then you might need to be a bit more lenient and try to celebrate other people's successes rather than seeing it as a means of outshining you.

If you were a celebrity- you may be reaching for something that is out of your grasp. If you are setting yourself up for failure- try and be more realistic with your goals.

On the other hand, if a friend or family member became a celebrity, perhaps you are worried about losing them to others.

Finally dreaming about a celebrity might indicate a dissatisfaction with your life and the desire to escape from it. You want a break from the norm and to experience what it’s like to live the high life.




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