To dream of eating dinner alone is generally a sign that you need to look more closely at your life. Consider your motivations behind your behaviours, the life goals you've achieved and want to achieve, your priorities, the direction you're headed and the direction you want to head in and your ambitions for the future.

We find out what it means to dream about dinner

We find out what it means to dream about dinner

It can also be a sign of independence, a lack of social skills or the loss of someone through death, distance or disagreement.

Another thought process is that you need nourishment- perhaps your body is lacking in something vital and needs a particular food to supply you with what's missing. Pay attention to what was on your plate.

If the meal was bad then maybe one of your relationships is suffering in your waking life.

If you were having dinner with people you see regularly- like your family- this is about nurturing those relationships to keep them close. Or that you have an acceptance of others in general and see everyone as equals.

If there were problems between the people at the table this could be a predictor of problems with those people when you're awake.

If you were having dinner with your partner- this can be a positive sign that you and your lover are growing closer.

Finally- one suggestion is that it's time to reflect on the past and share these experiences with others.


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