To dream about a coach suggests that you are motivated to help someone win or be successful at something in your waking hours. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Consider who was in the dream with you to give you greater insight into who you are invested in. 

Is it wise to be so focused on this other person? Maybe you give all your attention and drive to others and not to your own passions. Maybe the dream is telling you to focus on your own dreams once in a while. 

On the other hand, if someone was coaching you, perhaps you require someone to push you to work harder. You may not be able to do something alone. Do you need to seek out a professional to help you achieve your goals?

It’s possible you don’t push yourself hard enough in your everyday life and need to work smarter at something that you’ve only been giving the minimal amount of effort. 

Consider how you felt in the dream, perhaps you are pushing yourself too hard in something and need to take a break. 

Are you being too hard on someone else? It might be time to dial it back a bit if it’s damaging your relationship with this person. 

If you have a constant obsession to better yourself it may be prudent to ask yourself why. Why do you set such high standards for yourself when it may not be the best thing for you? Perhaps you always feel like a failure because you can’t ever get to where you want to be. It’s impossible. 

You may simply be desperate to see some kind of change in someone or something in your life. Perhaps you resent how little effort someone is devoting to something when you are putting in a lot. Or maybe any change or lack thereof is out of your control and this is why you are so frustrated. 

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