If you were cutting a cord on your dreamscape it’s possible you are looking for some independence in your life now. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Perhaps you have relied on someone for long enough and now you feel it’s time to go out and do something on your own.

It’s possible someone who’s supported you for many years is no longer able to, doesn’t want to or feels it’s best if they don’t anymore and you have to fend for yourself unexpectedly. The dream could be telling you that this is a good thing, although it may seem scary at first. 

RELATED: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams 

Consider how easy or hard it was to cut the cord as this will give your greater insight into how prepared or not you are for this parting of ways. Also try to remember who the cord was attached to, if anyone as this will give greater significance to the dream. 

If you dreamed about an extension cord, perhaps you need to do more in order for something to work in your waking hours. This action requires more effort, more manpower, more energy; whatever it is needs an extra boost. On its own, this very thing is useless or not fit for purpose. 

Have you been in a suffocating relationship for a while now? The dream might be encouraging you to break free of this as it could be holding you back from reaching your dreams and your goals. 

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about glitter?

If you find glitter to be a nuisance and irritating or messy, it’s possible you are frustrated by someone or something in your life at present. Perhaps the dream is telling you not to let it or them get to you, whatever is making you so uneasy could be quite harmless in reality. You may be finding it hard to get rid of something because it’s hard to shake off. Something or someone has left a real impression on you and it’s not welcome. How can you cleanse yourself of this tainted reputation or the scar they have left on your person? Alternatively, if you struggled to clean up some glitter, and it kept appearing even when you thought you had collected it all up, you may be feeling a lack of control in some area of your world. Something may seem like an impossible task, however if you persevere, you will succeed. If you don’t do a perfect job- is it really such a bad thing? Perhaps good enough will do... to read more click HERE 

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