To dream about crunching on something in your mouth depends entirely on the reaction of those with you. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

If they were bothered by your noises, this action might represent a habit that is so irritating you are driving people away. 

If the people with you didn’t react, this habit may be something you want to stop to better yourself- a small personal goal. 

Consider the phrase ‘when it comes to the crunch’- perhaps you have a decision to make because a situation you’ve found yourself in is important. Don’t delay any longer and make a choice. 

If you were crunching the numbers in your dreamscape you may be worried that you can’t afford something in your waking hours and you would be living above your means to have this item in your life. Do you really need it or are external factors making you think that you do?

If someone is pressuring you into spending more than you have available, it might be wise to let them know or show them the figures. 

You may have the money required to buy something you want, however you should still take one last look over your income and outgoings before committing to anything- even more so if it’s a large purchase. 

RELATED: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams 

More positively, you may not have visited your finances in a while and it might be time for a refresh. It’s the start of a new year so it’s the perfect time for reflection and planning your budgets for the coming twelve months.  

If you were doing crunches to strengthen your core muscles, it’s possible the dream is urging you to do some exercise, especially if this is a problem or weak area of yours. 

To dream of causing a crunching sound underfoot while trying to be quiet- it’s likely you are trying to be subtle about something and failing miserably to do so. It may be better for everyone involved if you come out with what you are trying to say or do rather than tiptoeing around the issue. 

If you were feeling the crunch in your dream, perhaps you need to dial back your spending, budget harder and be more careful where money is concerned. You may not be in financial difficulty now, however you may foresee some problems in the future that you need to prepare for. 

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about a crunch? 

If you went somewhere for a short period of time, perhaps the dream is telling you to stay longer next time. It’s possible the person you are going to see needs you to stay with them, especially if they are going through a hard time so indulge them when you can. If the person you popped to see in your dream didn’t give you a warm reception, maybe you need to offer people notice before you land on their doorstep. Calling upon people unannounced might be a habit of yours you need to break if people haven’t responded well to it in the past… to read more click HERE  

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