To dream about a guard suggests that you are wary of something or someone in your waking hours. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

What is the reason for this caution? Is it justified or are you being overzealous or paranoid? On the other hand, it might be wise to trust your gut if you feel this is the appropriate reaction. 

A guard might also refer to a guard or barrier you are putting up to stop someone getting to know the real you. Why are unwilling to open up to this person? How would your relationship benefit from you letting down your guard once in a while?

Is someone else acting as a guard? Perhaps someone in your life is stopping you from getting close to them or indeed to someone in the same circle of people. Consider who was in the dream with you for additional meaning. 

Is this person keeping you out or away from the source to protect you? If so, it might be better that you let them keep you at arm’s length. If you think they are doing it for the right reasons, trust their judgement. 

More negatively, the dream could be related to feelings of not being good enough. Perhaps you believe you need to meet certain criteria before you can get past the person or thing who is guarding the next level- whatever that may be. 

It’s possible you are worried about crossing a line in a relationship or situation so you are staying still to avoid potential dangers. 

Are you on your guard about something in your waking hours? You may be on high alert all the time and the dream could be telling you to relax a little. There may be no need to operate on such a high level of stress. 

Do you feel the responsibility lies with you to keep watch over others? Especially those you mean the most to you? If so, it may be time to ask for help if you feel overwhelmed by this role. Whether you have brought it on yourself or whether others expect it of you, it’s a huge undertaking to do alone. 

On the other hand, do you need to protect those you love more? Perhaps the dream is telling you to be more protective than you are currently as they could be at risk if you don’t. 

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about cocoa?

If you dream about a cocoa, it could be symbolic of your childhood or youth. A hot cup of cocoa is something children tend to drink more than adults. With this said, perhaps you need to repeat something from your childhood that made you feel good. Try not to get too hung up on whether you are too old for it or not- it’s possible you need to have some more fun and this could be just the thing to give you a boost of nostalgia. Hot cocoa is something that one drinks at home or in coffee shops around the Christmas season, so the dream could simply reflect your excitement for the Christmas holidays and festivities… to read more click HERE 

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