To dream about a lighthouse usually means that you are seeking guidance in your life at present.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

Perhaps you are going through a difficult time in your life and you don’t know where to go.

The dream could be telling you to pay attention to the help that is around you. Can you call up your friend, family or a professional to help get you out of a problematic time?

Perhaps you are feeling stressed or believe you are in the middle of some sort of crisis and you don’t know what to do. If this is the case, take note of what is available to you- the help you need could be right in front of you if you only know where you look.

Perhaps you have found yourself in danger, but you know how to get out of it. The dream could be urging you not to hang around and do this sooner rather than later.

Another interpretation is that you need to cleanse your life of something that is holding you back or dragging you down. Think of the things in your world that aren’t serving you well an consider a purge. Lighten your load- you don’t need to carry around everything that you currently are.

Consider the ‘house’ aspect of a lighthouse. Is there something that needs work at home? It could be a relationship, the way it looks or feels. If you have been putting something off at home for a while- now might be the time tackle it.

If you need a further clue- put the two together- is it your house that needs to be lighter? Is it your home that is filled with clutter as opposed to you? If so, it might be the right moment for a clear out.

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams 

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