The meaning behind a log dream depends on the state of the log itself. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

If the log had fallen from a tree, it’s possible you have lost something that you weren’t expecting to or perhaps you are about to.

This may feel like a negative loss at first, however, in time, you might come to find that it was meant to be to allow you to move on or feel lighter. This is especially true of the log fell from the tree naturally, rather than being torn from it. 

If the log falling was a result of a storm or high winds, you may have put up a fight to keep whatever is now lost to you. If you feel wronged after this loss it may be wise to take action. 

If you saw a log being cut from a tree, perhaps you are ready to shed something from your life. Your willingness to be liberated is palpable. 

It’s possible you are in the mood for change and you are well aware that it comes in the form of letting something go. 

This could be a habit, a phase in your life, a friendship that has been weighing heavy on you or a romantic relationship that isn’t working. 

The dream could be a pun to log something- perhaps you need to record something before you forget it if you find information hard to retain or to preserve a memory by taking a picture or organising some precious mementos for example.

Your dreamscape might imply that you need to ‘log off’ from some area of your life. 

Perhaps you make yourself too available to people and you need some time out. Consider all the areas of your life where you don’t switch off- do you always have access to emails? To messages? To notifications? It might be wise to dial back some commitments and live more simply to get a rest from the barrage of information and requests that come your way.   

MORE: Female First’s A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

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