To dream about a monkey suggests that you are acting childishly in your waking hours.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Perhaps you are misbehaving in some area of your life and you are making yourself look ridiculous. It might be time to act your age and leave this silliness behind. 

More positively- the dream might mirror people in your life who try and make humour a priority. Those who see the lighter side of situations and try to make people laugh. Perhaps you want to be this kind of person because you admire this ability in others. Do you need to surround yourself with more people like this?

There may be someone in your life who never listens to what you want- or maybe you are the one who deliberately avoids hearing those who are trying to give you direction. Is it time to mend your ways and take advice from those who are older and wiser than you?

Are you protesting something at present? If so, this could be why you dreamed of a monkey. If you are rebelling against authority figures in your waking hours- the monkey could be a representation of this need to be different and desire to make fun of those in a higher position than yourself.

Monkey dreams are also related to feelings of embarrassment. Has someone embarrassed you lately? Or do you anticipate that someone is going to make a fool of you?

Perhaps you have made a mockery of someone else recently and now regret your actions. Do you need to apologise to this person?

Is there someone in your waking life who needs your constant attention? Perhaps you begrudge them of this because you feel it’s someone else’s job. It could be down to trust- maybe you don’t trust this person to behave in an acceptable manner.

If you have children, the dream could be linked to feelings of not being able to control your kids. Do you need to take a fimer approach or seek out some professional help?

If a monkey was ripping pieces from your car- there may be someone who resents your recent successes or who is determined to take them away from you. Be careful who you trust. Consider who was in the car with you for additional meaning as this might give you some indication of who you feel is betraying you. 

RELATED: What does it mean to dream a guard?

To dream about a guard suggests that you are wary of something or someone in your waking hours. What is the reason for this caution? Is it justified or are you being overzealous or paranoid? On the other hand, it might be wise to trust your gut if you feel this is the appropriate reaction. A guard might also refer to a guard or barrier you are putting up to stop someone getting to know the real you. Why are unwilling to open up to this person? How would your relationship benefit from you letting down your guard once in a while?... to read more click HERE 

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