To dream about a neck suggests that you are putting yourself in danger or risking suffering to help someone. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Consider the phrase ‘putting your neck on the line’- what are you sacrificing in order to protect someone? 

Although this is an admirable gesture, it may not be worth it if it puts your safety in jeopardy. 

If you were putting a necklace on your neck, it represents commitment to someone or something in your waking hours. 

Consider who else was with you in the dream. If someone was putting a necklace on your neck, you may be committed to them or are about to declare your commitment publicly to this person. 

If you were removing a necklace, it’s likely that you have broken that commitment to this person or feel that you are about to. 

Perhaps whatever is tempting you towards breaking this devotion is not worth it and the dream is acting as your warning to think carefully about your next steps. 

What was around you in the dream? This can also offer greater insight into what you are dedicated to in your life right now. 

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

A neck is often thought to be the bridge between your rationality and feelings. 

It’s possible you are feeling torn at present because your heart is telling you one thing but your head is telling you something else and you don’t know which one to trust. 

Perhaps you feel one way about someone but you are giving them the opposite signals. It might be time to tell them how you really feel. 

If you had a pain in your neck, it’s possible that you are struggling to express your true feelings about someone or something. 

What do you believe is the right thing to do? Come clean or continue to avoid the truth for the sake of the bigger picture?

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about legs?

You can stand up and take control- in other words you have ‘found your legs’ again. If your legs were weak in your dream then you may be feeling vulnerable right now. Consider what you need to make you strong again. If you were crossing your legs, this can be symbolic of you closing your mind off to someone or something- you have a defensive attitude at present. To see someone else’s legs in a dream, could mean that you admire this person. Think about the attributes they have that you yearn for- perhaps you need to adopt their ways of thinking and doing things if they have a positive impact on them and others too. A damaged leg, could be telling you that you are lacking independence in your waking hours. You can’t stand up for yourself because you lack the courage to do so...

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