To dream about a seat or chair suggests that you have made a decision and you are sticking to it.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

If you were sitting in the chair, perhaps you are aware of a situation that is going on around you, but you aren’t willing to act on it.

You might be ‘sitting something out’ rather than dealing with it right away- if at all. Perhaps your default position is to stay uninvolved in situations as much as you can because you’d rather not take sides and it’s easier for you to adopt this attitude.

You may be comfortable with this- it may have served you well in the past- however someone might be irritated by your perceived lack of interest. Do you need to take a more active role in this situation for the sake of someone else?

You may desire some time for contemplation if you have a difficult decision to make and the chair could symbolise your need for thinking time.

If you were sitting in a red chair you may be involved in a dangerous situation right now. Do you need to create some distance between yourself and this circumstance?

You may be sitting on something that is better out in the open. Or perhaps you are sitting on something because it’s not your news to tell.

If there was a table with no chairs to accompany- you might be feeling uncomfortable with something in your life right now- a person, a place, a situation or a decision you’ve recently made or need to.

What can you do to give you that stability and ease again?

If you believe there is no time for rest or a break- why is this? What can you do to give yourself the opportunity to unwind?

A lack of chairs in a room could also represent an unwelcoming environment. Do you feel unwelcome at work, at home or with your friends? If so- why? Is this something you can rectify or is the best solution to walk away?


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