To dream about mayonnaise depends on how you feel about the dressing. Do you love it or hate it?

Dreaming about mayonnaise? Here's what it all means...

Dreaming about mayonnaise? Here's what it all means...

If you enjoy the taste and texture of mayonnaise- the dream could be telling you to put the finishing touches on something to make it greater. Perhaps you are almost at the end of a project and it just needs that last piece of the puzzle to make it the best it can be.

If you loathe the stuff, it’s possible that someone or something has put a dampener on or ruined something in your life that had the potential to be good. Has a partner made a wrong move in your relationship? Has a friend acted in a way that has put a black mark against their name in your mind? Has a family member sapped the energy out of something you were excited about. If you look more inwardly- is it you who is making life difficult for yourself by having a negative attitude?

Mayonnaise is thought to represent disappointments if you don’t eat it during your waking hours. Perhaps you feel let down by someone when you were looking forward to their company or let down by a situation you were keen to be involved in. Try not to let this feeling filter thought into other areas of your life.

Along the same vein- if this is not your food of choice, it’s possible you feel you’ve been disrespected by someone who should know you better. Do you feel insulted by their comments and behaviours towards you? If so, it might be time to tell them how they’ve made you feel. It you think this could be a waste of energy, this could be your opportunity to distance yourself from them.

Mayonnaise is coloured white which could also be a symbol of purity. Do you want to experience the purity of a solid and genuine love, friendship or family unit?

If things have got complicated in your own relationships perhaps you crave for something simpler.


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