The meaning behind a dream about unplugging depends one what it was that you were removing from the socket. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

If you were taking a plug for a laptop, phone, I-Pad or game console out of the wall, the dream might be telling you to cut back on your use of electrical devices. 

If you spend a great deal of time on these items, it might be wise to have some respite from them. 

This is even more likely, if you feel they are becoming a source of unhappiness or dissatisfaction in your life. 

This might not have to be an all or nothing approach, but maybe you could slowly reduce your consumption so it doesn’t hit you too hard, too soon. 

RELATED: Female First's Dictionary of Dreams 

Furthermore, the dream could be an opportunity for you to explore other things you might like to do that don’t involve electronics- spending time with family, reading, pursuing a hobby or heading outdoors. Whatever it might be that your devices are distracting you from- take the time out to explore them more fully.  

While unplugging often refers to electrical devices, it can also mean removing a blockage such as taking the hair out of a drain to unclog it. 

If you were doing something like this in your dreamscape, perhaps someone or something is acting as a blocker to your progress or future and you need to find a way to get past or remove it/them altogether. 

To unplug something from an electricity supply, could mean you are ready to tackle something on your own for a while. You will need to come back to the source at some point but you have enough energy and knowledge to go it alone- at least until you feel you need to return to recharge your batteries. 

If you unplugged something and it indicated that there was still very little battery power left, perhaps you are running on empty right now. You may be getting what you feel is enough time to replenish your energy, but it’s not really benefiting you. Perhaps you need to take some days/weeks off to fully recover if you are in a rest deficit. 

To go around your home and unplug all your devices in your dream might represent a trip. Are you expecting to leave your house in the near future to travel abroad or just somewhere else within your own country? If so, the dream could be you mentally preparing for the journey and trying to remember all the things you need to do. 

RELATED: 10 Ways to celebrate National Day of Unplugging 

Today is National Unplugging Day- a day to put aside all of your digital devices and do something other than look at a screen for just 24 hours. That’s right- no phones, no TV, no I pads, no gaming devices- the lot has to go for one day. If you feel lost at the prospect of doing this- here are some helpful suggestions but before you start- turn everything off so you’re not tempted to cheat!... to read more click HERE

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