Step Up 3 DVD Review

Step Up 3 DVD Review

Starring: Rick Malambri, Adam G. Sevani. Sharni Vinson, Alyson Stoner

Director: Jon Chu

Rating: 2/5

To say that the dance movie has taken off would be a little bit of an understatement as we have had a whole host of these films in recent years.

And it was really Step Up, the starred the now uber famous Channing Tatum, that kicked it all off back in 2006  - and that movie kicked off a rather unexpected franchise and boom in this genre of film.

 A tight-knit group of street dancers, including Luke (Rick Malambri) and Natalie (Sharni Vinson), team up with NYU freshman Moose (Adam Sevani), and find themselves pitted against the world's best breakdancers in a high-stakes showdown that will change their lives forever.

Now there is nothing particularly wrong with this movie it just sadly lacks a major dose of originality - yes Step Up 3 is a carbon copy of every other dance movie that has gone before it.

This time set in New York a dance group is getting ready for a big tournament, one member isn’t what they seem and is forced to leave, the group face troubled times and can’t take only to reunite and storm the competition with an amazing routine - sound familiar?

Throw in a couple of potential love stories and you have a movie this is highly entertaining if not the most original that you will come across this year.

There are solid performances from the entire cast, Adam G. Sevani makes a return as Moose from Step Up 2, but it is the dance routines that steal the show.

Yes the performances are of the highest quality and it’s these routines that really drive the movie forward.

Ok so the film may not be steeped in originality and the script is perhaps not of the highest quality but there are some real moments of charm as these youngsters find themselves in dance.

This movie knows that it is a dance movie and it never tries to by anything else all it wants to do is honour this art form, which is does in fine style.

Step Up 3 is out on DVD now.

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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