Steve Tyler

Steve Tyler

Steve Tyler has recently revealed that he once had sex with a man during his youth. 

The former Aerosmith frontman is famous for his lothario lifestyle and has admitted that the heights of his bands fame he had a relationship with a teenage fan.

Despite having childrens and two ex wives, he admitted to a homosexual fling, but also said he didnt enjoy it.   In his new memoir, Does The Noise In My Head Bother You?, he reveals, "Gay sex just doesn't do it for me. I tried it one time when I was younger, but I just didn't dig it." 

And he jokes about his reputation for being filthy-minded, insisting he always made female fans wash before he would sleep with them: "As dirty as my mind is, my body's pretty clean.

Kelly (a member of the Aerosmith entourage) always made sure the girls were in the shower when I got in the room. I liked my pulchritude pristine! I can't kiss a girl that's been stage diving with 500 other guys."