January brings out the best in supermarkets and fast food restaurants as the promotions for vegan alternatives appear more prominently on the shelves.

These vegan sausage rolls are the perfect savoury snack

These vegan sausage rolls are the perfect savoury snack

If you’ve been to the supermarket recently, you might have noticed whole aisles and fridges dedicated to vegan products with Veganuary labels everywhere.

This is great news for people who choose to lead a cruelty-free lifestyle.

We all tried, or at least heard about the Greggs vegan sausage roll. Although it hasn’t been confirmed whether the sausage roll will be staying at the end of January, there is one vegan sausage roll new on the scene that is here to stay.

I give you… Wicked Kitchen All The Rage Rolls.

These savoury vegan rolls are currently available on the high street - exclusively at Tesco.

The Wicked Kitchen sausage rolls are quite different to the Greggs ones, though.

Whilst Greggs have made efforts to reproduce their original sausage roll in a meat and dairy-free version, the Wicked Kitchen one is made with different ingredients and has it’s own unique flavouring, texture and appearance.

The plant- based treats are a delight – we have tried and tested them!

And they get the Female First approval in all departments!

Made from roasted kale and white mushroom, they understandably differ in several ways to the bespoke quorn filling which the Greggs sausage rolls. But this doesn’t mean we don’t like them!

It’s hard to say which one we prefer, since they are quite unique in their own rights.

The great thing about these savoury saviours is that you can eat them chilled, warm and cooked, or cooked and then cooled down. Does that make sense?

We liked them chilled, but it all comes down to personal preference.

For vegans who are looking for savoury snacks on the high street – these sausage rolls are the perfect answer.

They’re available at Tesco and are sold as a two pack. Try them for yourself!

by for www.femalefirst.co.uk

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