Do you know when you've had enough?

Do you know when you've had enough?

We all like to go out and have some fun after a long hard week, but sometimes we can forget that staying safe should be a priority.

Whether it's ensuring that there's always some who is a dedicated driver or that you don't drink more than you should, going out should be safe and fun.

Here we've put together some tips on how to make sure that you and your friends still have fun but without any risk. 

Keep your drink on you at all times

When you’re having fun, you can sometimes forget to look after your drinks. You never know when someone could spike your drink or give you something that you didn’t ask for, so the best way is to always keep your drink in your hand.

Design a rota for designated drivers

If things go further than you think, it’s always a good idea to have someone in your friendship group responsible for getting everyone home safely.

Design a rota so that you all do your fair share when it comes to staying safe on a night out. Remember that going out doesn’t have to be all about the alcohol – nights out can be fun when you’re sober too so long as you put the focus on something other than drinking.

Stick together

Another great tip is to make sure that everyone stays together on a night out at all times. You’ll most likely want to stay with your friends anyway, but never decide to go home on your own.

Make sure you know where you’re going

There’s nothing worse than going somewhere unfamiliar, particularly if there aren’t many people that you know. If you are going somewhere unknown, plan how you’re going to get home and stick to it.

A great way to do this is to stay in one place and book a taxi beforehand. That way you'll ensure that you'll have some transport home.

Stay in contact

Nowadays it’s far easier to stay in contact with your friends if you lose them on a night out. Always keep a mobile phone on you with a decent battery level.

You could also have the number of a trusted taxi rank saved in your phone so that if you urgently need some transport you can get some easily.

Control how much you drink

A guaranteed way of staying safe is to control how much you drink. The recommended daily intake of alcohol for women is two to three units. Try using smaller glasses and sipping your drinks to avoid consuming too much.

Why not also try drinking soft drinks in between alcoholic ones? This way you'll not only save money but you'll be able to keep a better track of when you've had enough.

Alcohol can take up to 90 minutes to get into your bloodstream, so you won't feel the effect straightaway.

You can still have fun on a night out as well as keeping safe – all you need is a little common sense!

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