Feel the benefits of running

Feel the benefits of running

Running is a great cardio workout which helps aid weight loss alongside a healthy eating plan, but there are plenty more reasons why you should get your running shoes on.

We’ve got six reasons why you should be running, let’s see if any of them can inspire you to lace up your shoes and hit the ground going.

It doesn't cost you anything - you can run anywhere you like to, and it doesn't cost you anything to do. Just pick and destination and head to it. 

Become more social - struggle to find the time to see your friends and fit everything else in your life, then combine the two. You don't even have to take new friends, look for running groups and make friends with like-minded people. 

Burn fat whilst still - running helps to boost your metabolism and keep it going whilst you're not moving. So after a run, you're still burning calories.

Give yourself an energy boost - all exercise increases energy levels. Just one running session can increase your levels and chip away at fatigue. 

Improve your self-esteem - running will not only increase energy levels, but your self-esteem too. If you run outside you're more likely to feel better post-workout than those who had unpleasant scenery. 

Watch the stress fall behind - as you run you'll see the stress fall behind. It boosts the brains serotonin levels and research has indicated that regular exercise might actually remodel the brain making it calmer. 

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