Exercise to look your best this Christmas

Exercise to look your best this Christmas

It's time to get in shape for the festive season and with the help of Fitness First we have a simple winter workout for you to follow. 

If you're dreading getting into your winter jeans then follow this exercise plan designed by  David Perrin at Fitness First. You will soon find yourself in the Christmas party mood.

‘Don’t forget to warm up before you exercise especially as it is so cold outside,’ advises AJ. ‘Also, keep yourself motivated by having the item of clothing you want to fit into on view in your bedroom so you see it every day. Then all you need is this simple workout routine and I guarantee you’ll be looking radiant by Christmas!’


Three sets of 15 repetitions, after each set rest for 30 seconds. No weights are needed

To perform a body weight squat, extend your arms straight out in front of you with your palms down and keep your feet flat on the floor a little wider than your shoulders

Think of sitting on a chair and slowly bend your legs to start the exercise and make sure to keep your back as straight as possible

You should also keep your head up and try to look straight ahead during the exercise. Keep your feet flat on the floor as you squat down

When your thighs are parallel to the floor, stand back up to finish the first repetition 


Three sets of 15 repetitions after each set rest for 30 seconds. No weights are needed

Place your right foot forward while your left foot is behind your body about one stride-length apart

Flexing the left foot, slowly sink down. This will set off your right knee to bend

Put your weight on the heel of your front foot to work the buttock muscle most effectively. Return to starting position and work with the other leg

One Arm Row

Use a 5 kg dumbbell or tin of baked beans

Stand to the right of your weight bench, holding a dumbbell in your right hand with your palm facing in.

Place your left knee and your left hand on top of the bench for support. Let your right arm hang down and a bit forward.

Pull your abdominals in and bend forward from the hips so that your back is naturally arched and roughly parallel to the floor, and your right knee is slightly bent.

Tilt your chin toward your chest so that your neck is in line with the rest of your spine.

Pull your right arm up until your elbow is pointing to the ceiling, your upper arm is parallel to the floor, and your hand comes to the outside of the ribcage.

Lower the weight slowly back down. After 15 repetitions, do the opposite side.

Perform three sets of 15 repetitions. After each set rest for 30 seconds

Swiss ball crunches

Sit on the ball and then walk your feet away while simultaneously going down into a lying position, allowing the ball to stop at the lumbar spine area or the lower back.

Your feet should be flat on the floor and your knees should be bent at a 90 degree right angle.

Place your hands across your chest (beginner) or behind your head (intermediate or advanced) and slightly curl you head neck and shoulders towards your pelvis.

Exhale your air through your mouth as you come up and pause for a second as you empty your lungs completely at the top of the move, then slowly return to the start. Repeat for as many reps as you can until failure

Three sets of 20 repetitions and rest for 30 seconds between each set.

Taryn Davies

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