Food Awakening - Nutrition for NOW is an inspirational new book from top nutritional therapist, Julie Silver, which takes a uniquely spiritual approach to eating. The book teaches us to recognise what foods the soul is ready for and advocates eating and living in the now...

Do you have a right eating balance?

Do you have a right eating balance?

Julie has written her book straight from the heart, to inspire those who feel that they are constantly being given conflicting messages about what they should or should not be eating, consciously or unconsciously, and gets us ready to get back to the truth of who we are.

There is something for everyone in Julie's book, with sections on Foods for NOW, Practising Nutrition for NOW and Dieting for NOW, and it takes a holistic approach that is both warm and enlightening.

Food Awakening Nutrition for Now
The book is available to buy now

Julie shares some exclusive tips with us on how to eat right with food awakening:

"Eating with awareness in a conscious state will help guide you towards what is right for you now. You can mentally ask your body as you are eating or drinking, 'Is this good for me?' If you say it aloud, make sure you are alone, as people might think you have gone crazy and keep their distance from you! Though I suppose they could be curious as to what you are doing and want to try it themselves! Anyhow, you may get an answer coming into your mind or sense a reaction in your body, such as a heavy or light feeling. If you do or don't get any reaction, just carry on anyhow. You may notice that you don't want to eat that food or have that drink any more - or that when you start eating or drinking it, you end up disliking it. Wow, wouldn't that surprise you? Be prepared for the unexpected, as I can't believe the foods that I don't want any more yet used to love.

Breathing consciously into your abdomen before eating will help exercise your digestive system, increase your energy, oxygenate your organs and help you get into a more relaxed state. This will help you digest your food more efficiently, which your body will love you for!

Amazingly, it will get you 'into the now' so you are 'present', a place where there is no stress as you can't be dwelling in the past or worrying about the future - how magical would that be?

As you start to eat intuitively, you will develop your intuition even more - whether it is for what you are eating and drinking or how you are living your life. You will be less inclined to overeat too.

I believe that if you are truly ready to heal, then you will naturally gravitate towards what is right for you intuitively."

The 'law of nutritional attraction' is one of the key techniques discussed in the book. Julie states: "By trusting your body to tell you when you need something specific and let your soul take control, you will be guided without having to mentally work it out: A refreshing concept if you can just let go of the mind taking control." Alongside this, Julie recommends her key Foods for the Now, together with some new mouth watering healthy recipes utilising these core ingredients - such as 'Curried Green Lentil, Hijiki Seaweed and Vegetable Stew'; 'Mini Gram Flour Savoury Curried Pancakes' and 'Oriental Aduki Bean Stir-Fry with Buckwheat'.

Julie also gives some useful guidance on supplements, suggestions on where to buy core ingredients, exercise for the now, sleeping tips, conscious eating and sensible yet effective dieting.

Julie Silver
Julie Silver

Julie comments: "Food Awakening is about finding out what is right for you now! Forget what you have read, heard or been told, as this is probably somebody else's truth. It is about YOU now - so trust your instincts and feel your way through this book, and if it looks good to you and sounds like it could help you, then give it a go. There are no rules, only the ones you place on yourself. You can decide to make up your own rules, according to what your own truth is right now. So relax, let go of past conditioning, go with the flow and maybe you will be inspired by a Vitality Fairy."

Food Awakening - Nutrition for NOW by Julie Silver is available to buy on Amazon as a paperback and in Kindle format.

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