Hayley Newton shares her expert advice

Hayley Newton shares her expert advice

Walk tall on the red carpet

This week I was lucky enough to have choreographer Arlene Phillips ask me to dance for her on The Olivier Awards. Dancing alongside Matthew Morrison was a real treat & it was great to be behind the scenes watching everyone arrive on the red carpet…

Even the sveltest of stars do a little extra work to look picture-perfect for the awards shows.

As a choreographer, artist & trainer, I have helped many celebrities get ready for big events in LA.

Here are my tips for a red carpet event, wedding, vacation, reunion or something else spectacular—turning you into a major “wow!” and leaving people's heads turned. 

I've tried various diets, cleanses, and workout regimes. And I've found five key things that seem to work for me & my clients.

 1.Monday through Friday are the days I am especially concerned with what goes into my body. I cannot stress & tell you enough that keeping everything in moderation is key. LITTLE AND OFTEN! Keep your main meals small (breakfast, lunch, dinner), and then snack in between with healthy things like fruit, nuts & juices. Our body was designed to graze throughout the day. Eating large meals will cause bloating and lower your energy while your body struggles to digest it. Being someone on the run, it can be hard to constantly find healthy things (especially if you haven't prepared ahead), so to make sure I'm getting all the good stuff, from time to time I'll supplement my regular diet with juices.

2.The feminist in me is ashamed to admit that I still feel guilty when I leave my man for a night, or an afternoon for some 'me' time. Then I realize that I'm in this for the long-haul, and I'll have this body to live in forever. I need to be feeling good in it. Something tells me that in taking better care of myself, maybe I won't wake up at 40 and look in the mirror thinking, "Why did I let things go like this?" Because that sort of stuff does MATTER. Yes, I can still be a feminist and say that body weight and self-image matters. 
So I now head for the gym to tone up any jiggly parts  before a red carpet session.

3.No late night eating. I stay away from compromising situations. Pizza, kebabs, ice cream, chocolate, are all things I like to eat late at night when I have the munchies. But as it rises from your hand to your mouth, take a second to think about that tight gown with an over hanging muffin top.

Cut out gas-producing vegetables, like broccoli and cauliflower, to reduce the dreaded ballooning. Not so good in photo’s.

Reduce excessive amounts of carbs since 1 gram of carbohydrate can hold onto to 4 to 5 grams of water. On a bit of research I have found what to eat for glowing skin:

- Salmon to calm inflammation.

- Berries with polyphenols for anti-aging and to fight wrinkles.

- Greens (broccoli, spinach, collards, mustards, kale) with antioxidants to keep skin elastic and zinc to build collagen.

- Carrots with beta-carotene to discourage wrinkles.

- Oatmeal with cleansing compounds to oust toxins.

- Water to keep skin hydrated and supple.

 4. I can testify to getting extra sleep paired with adequate hydration. Upon waking, I see instant results of fine lines concealed and under eyes smoothed and plumped.

Make sure you keep up a good beauty regime at night, I tend to use cleansers and plaster on the night crème to sleep in. Try SkinMed products as they leave my skin hydrated & feeling healthy. You can also get their products for the body as well to really top off that glamour feeling for your evening out.

5.If you're looking for a tight waist for that special dress, I think it's time to stop those crunches. If they haven't produce the figure you want just yet & your event is that evening, then try this. Invest in some great underwear, then move: Stand or sit tall with your shoulders back. Tuck in your abs, pulling your belly button back to your spine; contract and hold for 5 seconds. Then let your muscles relax and then tuck them in again for 5 seconds. Each 5-second isometric contraction is equal to one sit-up. Repeat for 15 to 20 repetitions and you can do this anywhere… (Even at red carpet events you stand in line for the ladies)

With all this in mind, you will be red carpet ready and boy will those heads turn.

Twitter @hayleysnewton
