Skipping is a great cardio workout

Skipping is a great cardio workout

With all of the fitness classes, trends, high-profile gyms, and workout equipment out there, it's easy to overlook how some of the most basic tools available can be just as effective when getting into shape – not to mention easily available, easily portable and inexpensive. This week, I’m going to show you how to use the humble skipping rope to burn fat, speed up your metabolism, and give your arms, core and leg muscles a thorough workout. So grab your skipping rope and let’s get started.


Getting into the correct position:

Engage your core. This will help to stabilize your spine and will force your muscles to work as one unit, thereby improving posture. Then, whilst skipping, try to keep your arms close to your side. This will make it easier to continue skipping for longer.

How many reps should I do?

Perform as many jumps as possible with each exercise, resting 30 seconds between each move. Try to perform 2 to 3 sets of the workout, depending on your fitness level and energy, resting 60 seconds between sets.

The Exercises


Stand tall with feet together, holding the ends of the jump rope in hands with rope resting behind heels. Keep chin parallel to the floor and a natural arch in lower back as you brace core and raise left foot slightly off the floor. Swing rope overhead and jump rope with right foot. As soon as it passes under right foot, jump clockwise to your right. Continue jumping rope on right foot as you trace a large circle in a clockwise direction. Once you have completed the circle, switch feet and begin jumping in the opposite direction. Continue, alternating feet for 60 seconds.

(Top Tip: To encourage proper form, aim to keep your jump height to a minimum.)


Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, holding the ends of the jump rope in hands with rope resting behind heels. Keep chin parallel to the floor and a natural arch in lower back as you brace core. Swing rope overhead and sprint 10 feet forward, simultaneously jumping rope, bringing knees up to high knee position. Turn around and sprint in the opposite direction. Continue, alternating directions for 60 seconds.

(Top Tip: As you lean into the sprint, create an invisible line from your shoulders to your heels. (Do not lean from your hips.))


Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, holding the ends of the jump rope in right hand. Keep chin parallel to the floor and a natural arch in lower back as you brace core. Count to 10 while simultaneously performing quick high-knee lifts and spinning the rope as fast as possible in a forward motion. (The rope should be swinging on the outside of right shoulder.) Once you reach the number 10, drop into a deep squat. Place left palm on the floor in front of feet and jump both feet back into a single-arm plank position with right arm reaching out to the side. Quickly jump feet back under hips and jump up toward the ceiling, extending both hands overhead. Do 10 reps, then switch sides to complete set.

(Top Tip: If you are new to single-arm burpees, perform a few without the rope to perfect your form first. When doing the burpee, your palm should land directly under your shoulder to ensure proper form and stability.)


Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, holding the ends of the jump rope in hands with rope resting behind heels. Keep chin parallel to the floor and a natural arch in lower back as you brace core. Swing rope around body, simultaneously hopping both feet slightly off the floor to allow the rope to pass under. Perform 5 total passes. On the sixth pass, quickly jump both knees up as high as possible. Continue for 60 seconds.

Top Tip: Jump knees as high as possible upward, limiting the height your head takes.)


Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, holding the ends of the jump rope in hands with rope resting behind heels. Keep chin parallel to the floor and a natural arch in lower back as you brace core. Lift left foot off the floor and raise knee up toward navel until it forms a 90-degree angle. Swing rope around body and jump on right foot for 10 passes. On the eleventh pass, jump laterally as far to the left as possible. Repeat this sequence on left foot, jumping right on eleventh pass. Continue alternating for 60 seconds.

(Top Tip: Avoid dropping chin when you land, as this will cause an immediate break in form and posture.)

I know many people want convenience and don’t want to pay expensive gym fees. Well this workout can be done anywhere, at anytime with anyone. Plus, the average skipping rope costs just £2.99, making this workout AFFORDABLE FOR EVERYONE!!! So no excuses! Enjoy!

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