Sexual health is obviously not at the forefront of young adults minds; as new research reveals that one in five claim that they would have sex with someone openly knowing that the other person has an STI.

Sex on Female First

Sex on Female First

The idea of ‘dealing with the repercussions after the event’ labelled as the main reason why they would.

Two fifths of those who would sleep with someone with an STI also revealed that they had previously done so without using any protection.

Sarah Bailey of, who conducted the research, commented on the findings: “Exposing yourself to the risk of contracting an STI is never advisable. Even though condoms can offer a certain level of protection, this isn’t the case for some sexually transmitted infections; and certainly shouldn’t be put to the test.

“If you really like a person, wait until their condition is treated properly before venturing into a sexual relationship with them. That way, you can ensure your intimacy is safe from risk of infection. There is never any excuse for knowingly exposing your body to potential harm in this way, particularly those who claim that they’d happily jump into bed with someone unprotected despite knowing they had an STI!”

Just over a quarter explained that they thought it would be ‘impossible to catch an STI’ if they had protected sex; whilst 11% simply explained that they ‘always let passion get the better of them’.

According to the study, just under two thirds, 64%, of those taking part admitted that they’d had unprotected sex in the past. Of these, over half, 52%, claimed that they had done so with someone they were not in a relationship with.

Furthermore, just under a quarter, 23%, of those taking part admitted that they themselves had contracted an STI in the past. Of these, ‘Chlamydia’ was the most prevalent infection.

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