Whether you have decluttered your clothing already and have a capsule wardrobe on the go or have a manageable amount of pieces you can keep track of- there are many benefits to having a comprehensive list of the items in your closet. Here’s why…

Minimalism on Female First

Minimalism on Female First

You find you have more than you thought: When you write every item down from your coats to your underwear- it’s quite surprising just how much this equates to. Even if you claim to own a capsule wardrobe- like me- it’s shocking to see it all written down in once place. If you are trying to pare down your items even further- this can be a valuable exercise to prove to you just how much you own and where you can make cutbacks.

Honesty: When you can see in black and white that you already have six jumpers or ten coats- you might not be able to justify buying another. It helps you identify what you need rather than what you want. I would suggest writing down the things you NEED at the bottom of the list so when you go shopping- you don’t look for things that aren’t necessary but replacements for items that have become worn or damaged.

It helps you stay focused: If you keep a close eye on your list- add anything new to your categories that you buy and remove anything that you have donated- this helps you to have greater control over the total amount. If you have a one in and one out rule, you can look at your list and see what can be removed to welcome in the new purchase.

Gratefulness: Most clothes are spread around your home in drawers, wardrobes and cupboards and seasonal clothes might be in the loft or garage. Making a list means you can see that you probably have enough already. It makes you think about the money that you’ve already spent on the items you own now- making you less likely to want anymore, and more grateful for what currently resides in your space.

Things you no longer like or wear will stand out: A list of all your garments will highlight to you what you no longer reach for from your wardrobe, and similarly what you wear all the time. Anything that hasn’t been worn for a year or longer is probably an indicator that it shouldn’t have space in your home.

It reduces impulse buys: If you print out your list and keep it on you in a purse or wallet- you can take it out when you feel the desire to purchase something on impulse and see that you really don’t need the item after all.

It helps you to identify personal style: If you have several pairs of jeans or a healthy number of tunics- you can make the assumption that items such as this contribute to your preferred style. If you know what you feel comfortable in and what you gravitate towards, you will steer clear of things that don’t fit into that shape, fit or texture. You will waste less money on things that don’t suit you and will have a clear idea of what to look for when you need to replace items that are no longer serving you.

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