Minimalism is not a path to a guilt free existence nor does it promise this, but it does help to reduce the guilt we feel about things, people and money. Here are just seven ways it can release you from the clutches of this self imposed offence. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Less guilt around stuff: You no longer have to feel guilty about the amount of things in your home. Only having things in your space that you use and find beautiful means you don’t have to feel guilty about superfluous items. The unused presents, the things you bought and never took the tags off, the items that no longer bring you joy- with minimalism, these are all gone and the guilt surrounding these items leaves your home with them. 

Less guilt around money: If you feel chlautroopbic in your own home because of all the stuff you’ve brought into it, you will inevitably feel guilty about the money that has been spent on said stuff. The more stuff, the more guilt you might experience. The less things you have, the greater the justification for them taking up valuable space. Yes, your computer may have cost a lot of money, but if you use it every day to work or to support a hobby, it was a worthwhile purchase. No guilt here. 

Less guilt around your family: Minimalism allows you the freedom and the time to do more with the people you love. If your house is overflowing, chances are it will take a lot of time and effort to maintain through cleaning and organizing or simply moving things around. The less stuff you own, the less maintenance it requires and the more time you have for the people who matter more than the things. 

Less guilt about visitors: If you cringe at the thought for someone dropping by unannounced, minimalism is a great way to eliminate that anxiety. If your home is filled with only the necessary and the joy-sparking things, it’s easier to keep clean and tidy, so a knock on the door without warning means zero guilt because your home will be guest ready. 

Less guilt at weekends: Ever been out with the family and your mind was focused on the things that needed doing back home rather than in the moment? A minimalist house means you can walk out the door and not have to think about the unwanted impulse buys that need returning to the post office, the items that need to be taken for donation, the spring purge or the fall declutter. Minimalism helps you to keep on top of the flow of things in and out of your home so it’s not a huge dedication of your time. 

Less guilt around getting rid of things: Minimalism- if done consistently- will help you to gain momentum and the more you purge, the less guilty you feel about the act of relieving your space of stuff. If you are committed, you know the benefits far outweigh the things and any guilt you have dissipates with every item that vacates the premises. 

Less guilt around hurting people’s feelings: You may worry that people will find out you have donated a gift they once gave you or something they passed to you that they thought you would get a lot of use out of (and you haven’t). Remember this- the act of giving is just as much for the giver as the receiver. People enjoy gifting things to others so let them savour this positive feeling by accepting it graciously. The reality after this exchange has been made is that the item is yours to do with what you want and you are under no obligation to keep it. Guilt be gone. 

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