Minimalism has many benefits- but one of the most prominent of them all is that it makes you more thankful. Here are the things you count your blessings for when you opt for this lifestyle…

Minimalism on Female First

Minimalism on Female First

You are thankful for the things that are left: You become more thankful for the things that remain in your home because you value each and every one of them. Every item has earned its place and you are thankful for the things it does to brighten your life or make it easier.

You are more thankful for the people around you: When you are not distracted by things and the endless pursuit of stuff that will never bring you contentment- you start to notice the people who have been around you all along. Minimalism makes you thankful for them and the happiness they bring you. People can bring you a lifetime of happiness- stuff cannot.

You are thankful for the little things: Once the grand material gestures are cast aside, there is a new-found gratitude for the simple things in life that cost nothing. The first glass of cool water on a morning, the half an hour you set aside each day to get lost in a book or the walk you take each lunchtime to clear your head before an afternoon of work. It’s these small steps that move us towards a life of satisfaction- not purchases.

You become thankful for the money you earn: You begin to take better care of your finances and are more thankful for the money you bring in. You realise that you can do more worthwhile things with it- like save it or put it towards experiences rather than things. Where once, you might have thought you didn’t earn enough and were resentful of the amount in your pay-check- now- you can see that it’s all matter of perspective. The less stuff you buy- the more money is left at the end of the month.

You are thankful for the space: Once you realise that you don’t have to fill every space in your home and that you can leave areas empty- there is a freedom in relishing in the minimalist aesthetic you’ve created.

You are thankful for the headspace: As well as the physical space- you become thankful for the mental space that you’ve created by omitting the visual clutter. You can now use this space more efficiently and dedicate it to more worthwhile pursuits.

You are thankful for the ease: Life becomes easier when there is less stuff to worry about, clean, organise and buy. As your daily reset reduces, the more thankful you become that your time isn’t being spent on stuff but on things that really matter.

MORE: Six tips on minimalism from a recent convert 

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