January is a month where shopping centres, high street retailers, online stores and even local markets are packed with sales. Here, save.co.uk shares 10 sales-savings tips to follow when shopping.

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1. Check online first: If you only shop in-store, you may be missing out on deals that are available only to online shoppers. In addition, you have to pay for petrol to get you there, are more likely to impulse buy and if you bring your children with you, they can be a distraction. Plan to do some of your shopping online to reduce your stress and maintain your budget.
2. Set a budget: And then stick to it! When you’re shopping in the sales, it’s so easy to get carried away and forget how much you’re spending. Why not take out the cash that you’re willing to spend and leave your credit card at home. That way, when the money is gone, it’s gone!
3. Comparison shop online ahead of time: If you have your mind set on going to the stores and experiencing the January sales in person, then use the Internet to do your research. Spend some time comparison-shopping to find the best deal on the product you’re looking for and see which shops have the item in stock. And don’t forget to look for vouchers on sites like Save.co.uk that you can print and use in-store.
4. Go with a list of what you want: Don't just turn up and look at everything or you'll be overwhelmed with choice and you'll end up buying items you wouldn't normally buy simply because it feels like a bargain. Don’t be tempted by a pair of shiny leopard print trousers JUST because they’re reduced by 75%!
5. Dress for success: The January sales can be tiring work so make sure you dress appropriately. The shops will be warm so try wearing layers instead of a big bulky coat. No doubt you’ll be spending lots of time on your feet, so wear comfortable shoes that won’t tire you out!
6. Head to the shops early: With your list and your vouchers in hand you’ll most certainly be prepared to take advantage of the great savings that shopping this time of the year can bring.
7. Start with the sales, then stack: Don’t forget about vouchers as often you can use a coupon code on TOP of sale merchandise, so you're doubling your savings. Be sure to check the fine print, though, as some stores have different policies regarding stacking.
8. Showroom: Make sure you do your homework. A trend that's popped up again recently and will continue to during the sales is “showrooming” which basically means going to a shop to check out a product and compare prices online and buy the cheaper version. A recently released survey from Save.co.uk’s American counterpart Coupon Cabin says that 33 per cent of U.S. adults who own a smartphone or tablet plan on showrooming to find the best deals over the holidays. Prices can vary between stores - and between a shop's website and brick and mortar store. Taking the time to check out the options is well worth the time.
9. Go mobile: Gone are the days when your only saving option was to clip coupons from your newspaper or print them out from your computer. Now savvy shoppers can access savings on the go and instantly search for voucher codes or coupons wherever they are.
10. Check the Ts & Cs: If you’re not going to try before you buy, make sure you can get your money back. Some shops will only offer store credit on sale items or don’t allow returns at all on reduced stock.