New research shows that Brits are hiding their regional accent, toning it down or disguising it all together in new social situations. From Geordie, Scouse and Cockney to Brummy, Glaswegian or Welsh, the UK boasts some of the richest and most diverse regional accents and dialects in the world. However, some of us go as far as to hate our accent, doing all we can to mask it.

Where we are from and how we speak says a lot about us, perhaps too much according to a survey by Vodafone. From social situations to putting on a 'phone voice' some even feel that how they speak affects their career. Would we go as far as to putting on a seriously posh accent, such as Received Pronunciation? The nation's voice has changed a lot in the last fifty years and it seems that our accents are becoming more similar than ever. 'Estuary' English is spreading beyond the heartland of the South East to almost every corner of the country. But aren't our accents a part of what makes us British?

The 'Poshcast' has Hollywood voice coach Barbara Berkley giving her tips on how to improve your speech and telling us the secrets she's told the stars of Bridget Jones' Diary and Pirates of the Caribbean. The first video also discusses different regional accents and stereotypes.

To view the various accents click here

To watch Barbara Berkley teach click here