Spring Clean Your Life

Association for Coaching, 30 March 2007: Spring is a time to sweep away thecobwebs of winter and get ready for the warmth and bright light of summer. And,despite our topsy turvy weather, now is also a great time to sweep away somecobwebs in your life and get ready for a more enjoyable, successful future. So here are the Association of Coaching's simple yet powerful 5 top tips for your own personal spring clean.

1. Check out your relationships' cupboard. Who do you spend your time with? Are they people who support you in what you do, encourage and spur you on, or are they people who pull you down? Spend the majority of your relationship time with people who help you up and the least possible time with the 'downers'.

2. As the days get brighter, so will your outlook. You can help this along by developing an 'attitude of gratitude'. Write down 5 things you have enjoyed or appreciated during the day before you go to bed. Then go off to sleep nourished by positive thoughts and energy.

3. Charge up your 'me-time'. Are you surrounded by people, machines, noise,busyness, 'things to do' most of the time? If so, your mental, emotional and physical batteries will get very low. Charge them up by making a regular date with yourself to do relaxing, nourishing things just for you.A walk in your nearest green space? Lying on your bed listening to your favourite music? A massage? Watching a DVD of your favourite comedian? You'll know the things that do it for you.

4. Blitz that worrying thinking. We all worry about something from time to time. However, if you make a career out of it, negotiate with your internal 'Worrier'. Arrange to save it all up for 15 minutes concentrated worry at a particular time each day. Then you can go for it big time! Write a worry list to throw away later. Ham it up by dramatising your worrying behaviour. Pace up and down like a silent movie star. Even do a jig while you're worrying to release the tension you're feeling. At the end take a big breath and relax....until tomorrow's 15 minutes.

5. Hose down how you see yourself. Are you defining yourself by other peoples'opinions of who you are and what's acceptable behaviour or not? If so, make a list of your talents, skills and abilities and how you want to be. Read your list every day to help build up your own picture of yourself. And begin to take action to become that you!

Contacting an executive or personal coach can be an excellent way to help you spring clean your life. Visit The Association for Coaching's website for a list of approved practitioners www.associationforcoaching.com.