Giorgio Armani at Milan Fashion Week

Giorgio Armani at Milan Fashion Week

Wearing a hat to the races certainly adds a stylish flair to your look, well when you get it right at least – so to help ensure you’re a fashion success we have the tips to help you on the right track.

Bookmaker Coral has teamed up with Jane Taylor, milliner to the royals and stars, to offer her tips to ensure you’re turning heads for all the right reasons.

And if you’re planning on wearing a hat to a summer wedding there’s nothing to suggest you can take these tips on board too.

Jane suggests that you don’t wear a matching hat to your outfit and the Queen is the only lady exempt from the rule.

Jane Taylor’s fashion tips for hat wearing:

If you’re going to be in lots of photos and you don’t want to be lost under your hat, pick an upturned brimmed, a disc or cocktail hat.

Make sure your hat fits your head. Hide any bands or elastic fixing with your hair.

If you’re petite don’t let a large brim hat swallow you up.

If you’re tall make sure this isn’t highlighted with a miniscule cocktail hat.

Don’t try and match details such as a lace dress with a lace hat.

Going overboard and matching your outfit and all your accessories to the same colour can be ageing. For long faces, don’t wear a hat with a deep crown.

For round faces, wear a hat that’s angular cutting across your face.

A cocktail hat should nearly touch your eyebrow and a brimmed hat should be tilted to sweep just above your eye.

You must feel confident and happy wearing your hat, so pick a style you love wearing. 

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