Today is National Underwear Day- a day for celebrating the great underwear you own and decluttering the ones that are past their best. If you are struggling to think of ways to honour this day, we have a few suggestions…

National Calendar Day on Female First

National Calendar Day on Female First

Buy some new underwear: If yours is looking a little shabby, pay a visit to your favourite store and replace the ones that are old and knackered. It’s time. Who knows who will see it, which brings me onto my next point…

Give someone special a treat: Why spend money on new undies if your significant other can’t appreciate them? I’m certain that partners and lovers will be very interested in seeing your recent purchases- and maybe taking them off (cheeky).

Clean out your underwear drawer: If this has been a job on your to-do list for an age- today is the perfect time to tip it all out onto your bed and get to work. Take out anything that has seen better days, clean out your underwear container, put everything away (neatly) that you want to keep and make a list of things you might need to replace.

Wear your favourites: Everyone has their good sets and bad sets. The ones that make you feel special when you wear them, even if you’re the only one who knows they are on. Don’t save them for special occasions- make every day a good underwear day- especially today!

Get a bra fitting: If you think your underwear isn’t doing its job- today is the day to pop into your local lingerie department and get measured properly. If you have been guessing your size, chances are you are in the wrong one. Armed with this knowledge, you can feel comfortable and empowered in a bra that knows how to make your puppies look their best.

Clean it: If you have an underwear pile that has been mounting next to the washing machine or in your laundry basket- clean it today. No one needs to run out of underwear.

Organise: If your underwear drawer or compartment is a bit of a mess, why not invest in some clever storage solutions to keep it all in order? A box here and a drawer divider there and every time you need to retrieve something- you will thank yourself that you spent the time to get it in check.

However you decide to celebrate- happy National Underwear Day!

MORE: What does it mean to dream about underwear?

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