Having reported recently how some drivers scuttle off to their cars to listen to their favourite music in private.

A new theory from GEM Motoring Assist, has just revealed that loud, fast music with pulsating rhythms can wreck your concentration when driving and double the risk of an accident.

However is you opt for more softer sounds such as Mozart or Brahms, this will have a calming effect on your driving as the music is slower. The theory is propounded by driving instructor and GEM member Audrey Wixon who tested her proposal that ‘beat could lead to a bang’ on pupils just coming up to taking their driving test.

She said: "The root cause of many accidents is a driver’s failure to pay attention and research has shown that loud music depletes concentration by 20% .

If a song is above 60 beats per minute it will cause your heart rate and blood pressure to rise as well as the urge too drive faster. - A tendency she had noticed in herself. Audrey, you naughty women and an instructor as well.

To prove her point she prepared a tape with fast and slow tracks on it and tested it out on her pupils. "When slow music was on the pupil would drive perfectly, but shot off like the Meatloaf’s ‘Bat out of Hell’ when the fast track came on and yet seemed unaware of the increase in speed."

Nothing to do with the fact they are novice drivers - perhaps, renowned for erratic driving behaviour in the early stages?

Nice try Audrey, but please leave us to listen to whatever music we want thank you.

FemaleFirst - Jackie Violet