

Starring: Jason Statham, Catherine Chan, Chris Sarandon, Robert John Burke

Director: Boaz Yakin

Rating:  3.5/5

Over the years Jason Statham has turned into one of the best action heroes in cinema and his new movie Safe shows off that action pedigree once again.

Jason Statham stars as ex-Government agent Luke Wright who over the course of one harrowing night tears a swath through NY City’s corrupt underworld in order to save a young girl’s life and redeem his own.

Ok Safe does exactly what it says on the tin… it’s a fast packed action movie that sees Statham at his very best.

Safe is a fly by the seat of your pants of your movie that sees Statham tacking back guys on all side from the Chinese to Russian to corrupt cops as he tries to save the life of a young girl.

And it’s Statham who is the heart and soul of this movie he drives the story as well as the action forward, and he truly is on top form when it comes to the action sequences - not to mention that he has the best of the one liners.

Let’s face it we all love watching Statham kick the ass out of some bad guys and he really doesn’t disappoint as there are some really slick action sequences that make the movie well worth a watch.

Yes the movie does lack originality but to be honest that doesn’t really matter because director Boaz Yakin has delivered a slick looking movie that is full of quick cuts and pounding action at each and every turn.

There is a great central chemistry between Statham and Catherine Chan, who is making her big screen debut with this role, that really is quite charming.

But there is some great double crossing throughout and you never quite know whose side everyone is on and that makes for a thrill of a ride.

What the story lacks in originality the movie more than makes up for in excitement and Statham’s great central performance lifts this movie up form being jut another run of the mill action movie.
Safe is out now

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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