

We ask each band that venture into FemaleFirst HQ to perform a cover of a popular track, so when Kasiuss - yes, that's long haired-sweat loving rock band Kasiuss, not that rubbish at keeps coming on Radio One - announced they were covering Adele, I've got to admit, I was worried.

This was probably because they'd waltzed into the office the day after Adele's bloody amazing Brit's performance which saw me getting through more tissues than my boyfriend does when he doesn't see me for more than a fortnight, surely these guitar-wielding fellows couldn't cover this without ruining it?

O.M.actual.G. of course they could. They even played it for me about four times because I loved it that much - we'd not forgotten to press record or anything like that…

Honestly readers, once you hear this you'll never look back, it's like when they tell you that someone else sung 'Valerie' rather than Amy Winehouse… it's just nonsensical.

Check it out before I jump out of your computer and sing it to you myself. And noone wants that…

Want to see what else the little tigers got up to?

Kasiuss Perform Wonders Prevail
Kasiuss Video Interview
Kasiuss Photo Gallery

Like what you see? Then sign our petition to get Kasiuss To Slam Dunk!