Shop around for the best offers on fresh products

Shop around for the best offers on fresh products

Eating healthy is vital, but it’s not always viable. Fresh foods with lots of nutrients, vitamins and minerals come at a cost and it’s usually a pretty pricey one.

Here is our guide for you on how you can eat healthy whilst staying within your weekly budget. Now you have no excuse.

Buy in bulk – buying in large amounts from places like Costco will save you money in the long run. If the products won’t keep for long, buy with friends or family and split the cost.

Buy in season – buying fruit and vegetables when they are in season means that they will be a little cheaper and the taste will be much better. It’s a win, win.

Buy frozen fruit and vegetables – not only will you get more for your money, they also last forever. You can buy a whole host of different types so you won’t get bored having to eat the same few types for the next couple of days.

Buy supplements – buying vitamins, omega 3, fish oil supplements and all of the rest on the shelves it will save you a lot of money compared with all of the food expected to eat that contain these things.

Buy discounted meat – this food may be going out of date on that day, but it can still be frozen so it will last the next couple of weeks.

Grow your own – you only have to pay for the seeds then you can eat as much as you grow.

Use coupons – the easiest way to save some money, keep an eye out in newspapers and magazines, plus don’t forget to scour the net for them.

Plan ahead – Make a list before you go shopping, it will stop you making impulse purchases and you can plan for the food week ahead, this will also help you to consider that you’re getting your five-a-day.

Cupboard staples – these can still provide one of your five-a-day so make sure that you stock up, especially when they’re on offer. They’ll make sure that you have some healthy stuff to eat. Supermarket generic products will save you money too and taste as good as the branded products.

Measure before you cook – this will stop you from cooking too much and will help save those pennies.

Use leftovers – But if you do cook too much, then use the leftovers for lunch the next day. Vegetables and meats can work great in soups.

Don’t buy pre-cut vegetables – by cutting them yourself you’ll save some extra money, so pick up another piece of fruit instead.

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