How could we not cast Enrique and his h-o-t video for Hero as the song of early 2002, and quite possibly, the most dramatic video ever? (Yes - Jennifer Love Hewitt is equally as hot in the vid but we don't like to elaborate as much).

Enrique Iglesias

Enrique Iglesias

The video holds a Bonnie and Clyde-esque storyline with big car chases and macho men fighting to their deaths in a big hot sweaty desert - hey - we're not complaining.

It was taken from Enrique's second English album 'Escape,' and went on to enjoy US and UK chart success.

More importantly, the song paid homeage to the victims of 9/11 when it was remixed with audio footage from police, firefighters and civilians screaming at the scene of the attacks and politician commentaries.

FemaleFirst - Jennifer Dixon

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