Lynx Africa's 18th Birthday finished graffiti artwork

Lynx Africa's 18th Birthday finished graffiti artwork

In celebration of Lynx Africa’s 18th birthday, the popular brand took advantage of the growing success of social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

Creating history as the first art inspired by social media, graffiti artists, Pinky and Barney Chum101 persuaded the public to use social media to tell the artists what it meant to them to be eighteen. Twitter users soon got the ball rolling by using the hashtag #LynxAfrica18 followed by inspiring ideas for the artists.

The painting is colour, vibrant and fun – just like our eighteen year old selves. It oozes youth and excitement and is presented in such a care-free way that it makes us miss our younger selves that little bit more. 

Artists Pinky & Chum101

The artists painted the picture in their home town of Brighton where here they took the recommendations from the public by social networking sites. The painting took 7 hours to paint and consists of ten murals including a tiger, a heart and an orange and pink sun. The artists have presented the youth of being 18 through abstract images and each can mean something different to the viewer.

Pinky said: “It's a reflection of where we are now that artists can create a new piece of work in a day with input from across the world. The art on the wall has been inspired by suggestions from people right across the world. Spread the love."

The artists bring social media to their project

By Claire Lancaster

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