This could be you if you act carefully in 2015!

This could be you if you act carefully in 2015!

With credit card and heightened heating bills coming in and a longer wait until pay day- it’s no wonder that people feel a bit glum in January. But promotional has come up with 15 tips to give you a better start to your 2015 finances! 

Swap branded to own brand

It can be a habit that has been firmly fixed since you were at home- you always bought the branded stuff. But if you give it a chance you can find own branded things that taste just as good-so why not just try it and you never know you might not look back!

Ditch the takeaway coffee and shop bought lunches

It might not seem much as you hand it over but it mounts up over the year- upwards of £1,500! Take your lunch to work with you and take a jar of coffee to the office to stop the urge to pop out for something. 

Swap and borrow

Before heading out to the shops think about your friends and family who might have the desired item already and borrow it off them- an outfit, a book or a DVD. Chances are they will have something that can stop you splashing out the cash.

Shop around

It may seem like the last thing you want to do- but you will thank yourself at the end of the year when your bills are at an all-time low. Check out deals on the internet and go into two or three different shops before committing your hard earned cash.

De-clutter and sell

Use the rule- if you have not used in a year- sell it. This is great way to find out what you use and what you don’t. Everyone gets unwanted gifts at Christmas- so sell them on to someone who does want it and enjoy a bit of extra money in your account. Or do a car boot sale if you are impatient with the likes of EBay!

Swap bottled water for tap

Don’t buy water- you can get it for free- buy one bottle and keep refilling it and you don’t have the guilt of at least 80p a day going towards something you can get for nothing.

Ditch the car

If you live near your place of work- then walk or cycle- you will save on petrol and do your health wonders. If you can get rid of your car altogether there are no maintenance costs, tax or insurance to think about either! 

Review your mobile

Check your usage- can you reduce you package to one that suits your habits more? Can you get a joint package with your partner? How about going back to pay as you go if you hardly use your phone? 

Say ‘no’ to gym membership

If you have wasted your money on this in the past then just go for a walk, jog or run every day- you will still get fit but it won’t cost you for the privilege.

Voucher codes

Check out what you can get at discount before you go and check your receipt when you get home- some shops do comparisons and give you the difference if they are not cheaper than their competitors. That way you can get some money off next time you shop!  

Cook from scratch

Jars of sauces and boxes of food can be the easy option, however if you cook from fresh foods you will save. All you need to do is put in a little bit extra time.  

Assess your household outgoings

Make a breakdown of your monthly outgoings and ask yourself if you need them all- gym memberships, magazine subscriptions and cinema passes- do you get the most out of them? If not then cancel them and see your bank balance mount up.

Do It Yourself

Can you cut up your old clothes to make rags to clean with? Or cut open your bottle of hair cream to use the last remnants rather than going out and buying new? You will be surprised how inventive you can be if you are looking to save cash.

Grow Your Own

There is a much better, fresher taste from veg that is grown by your own fair hands- so create a vegetable patch in the garden and try being your own supermarket. 

Make use of in-store incentives

If you save money on a gift card for next Christmas often there is a bonus for you if you do- so take a look at the leaflets on offer and see if you can save further.


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