While it may seem all too soon to encourage your little one to be sensible, humble and realistic- this is a gift you can bestow on your child from a young age that they will hopefully carry through into their latter years. If you want to ensure they have the best start, here are just a few things that will put them on the right path…

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Don’t buy excessive amounts of toys: Toddlers don’t need a room full of toys- research suggests that little ones only play with a fraction of what they have in their bedroom, play room or space, proving that they can focus better when there is less around them. If you buy them every toy they show an interest in, they will come to expect things in later life as and when they want them, which can lead to debt, shopping addictions and ultimately- dissatisfaction. 

Don’t give into their every demand: This is often tempting when they are displaying negative behaviour, but again if your toddler grows up getting their own way they will get a shock when they finally enter the world of study or work when this isn’t always the case. Better to prepare them while they are young so they know that sometimes the word ‘no’ is actually good for us. 

Don’t give them excess food every time they ask for it: Toddlers have a voracious appetite but sometimes they will ask for food when they are simply bored- so find a way to distract them and they will probably forget about the chocolate they felt the ‘needed’ a few moments earlier. Children who eat more than their bodies require through boredom may end up having weight troubles later in life. It’s vital they learn how to exercise some restraint around food and know that there isn’t an endless supply.  

Avoid too many choices: Children become overwhelmed easily when there is too much to choose from so by offering just two (pre-approved) choices- one or the other, they are much more likely to be decisive in that moment. As children get older they are faced with choice, so they need to know how to navigate it when it comes along and to make the right decision.

Use imaginative play and simple toys: Toddlers who are made to use their mind to create a world to play in, will fare far better than those who expect complex or expensive toys to entertain them. This is why imaginative play, books and simple toys that require some thought to make them more exciting are key to helping your child be more grounded. If everything is handed to them on a plate in terms of their entertainment, they will come to expect this from other areas of their life too. Getting into further education, securing a place in a sports team, finding the love of your life, landing your dream job all require effort and your child needs to understand that one must try and work hard for the things they want. 

Set the example: If you want your toddler to be grounded- you have to set  the right tone within your home first. Be the role model they deserve by finding joy in the little moments in life, working hard for the things you need and appreciating what you have in your space. Toddlers copy their parents in so many ways so your behaviour counts just as much as theirs.

Time is the greatest gift of all: Nothing you can buy will ever replace the preciousness of time spent together playing, giggling, hugging, tickling and laughing. This is the very foundation of a happy child and later- a contented adult who has their feet on the ground. Someone who values the importance of human interaction above all else demonstrates the highest level of modesty. 

RELATED: Parenting: How to get your toddler to help you with laundry

While this may not seem like the most important thing to teach your child from a young age, it will certainly help to keep your house in order as they get older- so it’s worth the effort now. Here’s how you can make it fun for your little one…to read more click HERE 

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