In the third trimester, your partner might be getting a little anxious about the birth so be mindful of this when she reaches the final stage of pregnancy. If you want to make her feel safe and calm over these last few weeks here are some things you can do:

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Image courtesy of Pixabay

Make yourself contactable and stay close if you can: Make sure your phone is always on so she can reach you if you are away from home and be willing to drop everything as your baby could come at any point now. If you can work from home- do so she won’t worry about being alone if her waters break. 

Support her while moving around: She may have developed the pregnancy waddle by now and need to lean on you when you are out on walks, require help in and out of the car or up large steps. Be mindful that at this point she will be a little clumsy so don’t leave anything lying around on the floor and make sure your children don’t if you already have little ones around. Do all the lifting of shopping, kids, laundry etc. so she doesn’t strain herself. She may need help to get in and out of the bath or shower to prevent her from slipping so ask her if she would like your assistance when bathing. 

Listen to her anxieties: She will probably have some negative thoughts about the birth, especially if this is your first baby, so let her talk about her worries and let her know that it’s ok to be scared. Often talking it out can help to reduce these fears and reassuring her that you will be with her all the way will also help. 

Talk about support from family and friends: Discuss who has offered to help you or who you need to ask for help once the baby arrives. Agree on this first and then decide who will ask whom. Having these extra pairs of hands in place prior to the birth means you can relax a little to know that you can call up someone outside of your household for help when times get tough. 

Help your partner to finalise her birth plan: She may know what she wants or she may want your input to make a joint decision, either way- take her lead on this as it’s her body after all. Support her in the decision she makes but ensure you both have all of the information first so she can make the best choice for her body and the baby. 

Give regular back massages: Your partner will probably be suffering with backache as the weight of the bump pulls her further forward, so be on hand to give her a back massage when she is really struggling and in discomfort. This could be something you give her before bedtime to help her to relax and get a better night’s sleep. Remember she should be on her side for this not her tummy. 

Be practical: Make sure the hospital bag is packed, the car has petrol in it, your partner’s maternity notes are with the bag, you have coins in your wallet or purse for potential parking charges and your phone is fully charged at all times. These may seem like little things, however if they are in place they will make a huge difference when you need to get to the hospital quickly.

RELATED: Parenting: Seven must haves in the third trimester of pregnancy

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