Kensington Mums was established in 2011 with the aim of sharing knowledge and experiences to help fellow mums learn from one another. Today the network command an audience of London based mothers, many of whom live outside of the Kensington area but tap into the community for its blend of events, advice and connectivity.

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

They share with us 10 reasons why having an online community is so important now more than ever, with the current lockdown period.

When you become a first time Mum, you look to find other like minded mums to turn to, be it for support, a chat or just for a playdate. Lets be honest, we need another mummy friend to make us feel sane. Becoming a mum is generally one of life’s greatest experiences and greatest blessings. However, it can also be an extremely isolating one. Something perhaps some of you have gone through, including me. Many of us, live far away from our families and have very or little support around us. So if you’re a new mum in London or recently moved to London, where are you supposed to find this kind support?

Here are our Ten Top Tips for finding your Tribe.

1. Don’t put pressure on yourself to find that perfect group of Mum friends straight away; it takes time and it’s just another thing for a new mum to do! But it does get easier once you find mums to talk to about that strange coloured poo and the fact you haven’t managed to shower for 3 days!

2. It can be much easier if you are shy or find it hard making friends, to initially chat online. It’s much easier meeting people in real life once you have already ‘met’. So, have a look on social media for some new mum or baby groups in your area and dip into the conversation. Check out our app!

3. Remember what people put online isn’t always a reflection of their lives! It might be the best hour they have had all week! No one else sees the frantic paddling underwater. They might look like they are acing motherhood from the fabulous yummy organic meals they produce but is their child actually eating them..?

4. Join some online classes and groups and look for likeminded friends and try and attend regularly. It can seem really daunting to say hello a bit like asking someone out on a first date! But you’ll find that the mum next to you will be so relieved you did and will have been having exactly the same conversation in her mind.

5. Use your children as a conversation starter. It’s the really big thing you have in common!

6. Give the gift of words – they cost nothing. When a fellow mum tells you, she loves your dress/handbag/hair it can make you feel a million dollars especially when she’s thinking the worst!

7. Don’t expect that just because you are thrown together in a baby group you’ll immediately find likeminded friends, you may have to try a few activities or different groups.

8. Join a local buggy fitness which is two great wins – getting out and getting fit which does wonders for clearing the mind!

9. Set up a regular day that you meet for coffee in real life, it’s as much about you having a routine for seeing friends as it is for your child.

10. Use technology to your advantage! How else can you find out if anyone else is awake when your child wont sleep…! Why else would you have a WhatsApp group…! After all they say that your vibe attracts your tribe. This little saying has stayed with me throughout my life even more so since I became a mother and I believe it to be 100% true!

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