Pregnancy can be an exciting time for parents to be- watching the bump grow, thinking about names, stocking up on baby clothes and decorating a nursery- may be just a couple of things that expectant mums and dads do in anticipation before the big day. However, it can also be a daunting minefield of conflicting old wives tales, what to do and when to do it, which can leave pregnant parents heads spinning.

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

Spatone, a natural liquid iron food supplement, has partnered up with midwife Maggie Evans to help parents navigate through the nine months with handy tips for the different trimesters. 

 Ist Trimester Tips

  • Remember Folic Acid is recommended for all pregnant women. Best started before pregnancy, but do commence as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed.
  • Get serious about your nutrition – is absolutely essential for a healthy pregnancy and your baby’s development, but it’s quality not quantity that counts – you only need an extra 300 calories from 5 months onwards.
  • Your first blood tests will be due in early pregnancy – this check includes your blood group, iron and rubella amongst other important tests. Now is a good time to start your daily Spatone to help maintain iron levels during your pregnancy.

2nd Trimester Tips

  • If you have been suffering from some of the pregnancy ailments such as nausea and tiredness, the good news is that for most woman these should start to ease off in the next few weeks.
  • You will have probably been excited to have heard your baby’s heartbeat at your antenatal visit and felt your baby moving for the first time. At around 20 weeks you will be offered a scan to check your baby’s development, which provides you with an opportunity to have a peek at your baby too if you wish.
  • Although your body is adjusting to your pregnancy and you will have put on some weight, it is still important to ensure you get plenty of exercise and fresh air and a good night’s sleep daily.
  • There is often a lot going on – so make a list of questions for your antenatal visits and discuss any concerns with your midwife.

 3rd Trimester Tips

  • You may find difficulty in sleeping due to discomfort – try experimenting with pillows and wedges in your bed.
  • It is still important to continue to eat healthily right until the end of your pregnancy. Now is the time when your baby’s brain is rapidly developing – essential fatty acids and iron are crucial for brain health.
  • Iron demands rise steeply in the 3rd trimester so now is the time to increase your Spatone to two sachets daily.
  • As you get nearer your due date you may experience an increase in Braxton Hicks contractions, heartburn and backache, although uncomfortable, these are all signs that your pregnancy hormones are active and busy preparing your body for birth – so just be patient and await events.
  • Lastly, don’t forget to pack your birthing necessities well in advance and make sure you include your birth plan if you have made one.

Spatone contains Spatone iron rich water sourced from the Welsh mountains of Snowdonia National Park – which can help top up your iron levels whilst causing fewer of the unpleasant side effects often experienced with conventional iron food supplements.

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